Monday, April 25, 2011

Picture Overload & Big News!

Here's a ton of pictures that I wanted to post to catch up on my little girl...
But first... a little out of order.. BIG NEWS!

Laura's getting her 2 bottom teeth in!!
(I have a more updated picture I'll have to post later)

And on April 19 we found out Laura rolled over for the first time at the babysitters!!
So naturally, I got her home & put her on the floor & had to make her show me.. she didn't waste any time either!
She rolled right over from her back to her belly!!! I can't belive all these milestones!!
But I'm super excited she's getting so big!!

Now to catch upon the pictures...

Here's Laura's Easter pictures.. so cute!!
(These are just some of the pictures)
April 7, 2011

April 12, 2011

April 14, 2011

After seeing the Easter Bunny...
April 17, 2011

April 18, 2011
(Even though her eyes are closed in some of these, I think she has the sweetest look)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter Bunny

We took Laura to see the Easter Bunny for the first time. She didn't cry. She didn't really know what was going on. I'm going to enjoy this while it lasts because I know the day is coming that she's not going to like things like this.
(I tried to tuck her arm in but she pulled it back out & so this is what we ended up with)
And I took a picture of the picture with my phone so the quality isn't that great.

One Year Ago...

April 17 & April 18, 2010 were the days I found out I was pregnant.

*Back tracking a little.. I had been trying to loose weight & wasn't really eating like I should have so my monthly visitor wasn't always coming at the same time so I never thought twice about it. Then I remember my chest feeling really sore & I talked to my friend Casey and asked about her pregnancy experience & what she thought. I decided I would take a pregnancy test at the end of March/beginning of April.. I decided to buy the cheapest test there was because I was so tired of buying the expensive ones & never being pregnant & wasting my money.

So I bought the cheap one & saw a really faint positive sign, but didn't think anything about it because I figured that the negative line was bolder & it was cheap so it's just messing up or something..

Then I remember not really feeling good, just like an upset stomach but never got sick. So on Saturday, April 17, Kyle & I had went to Red Robin & I felt kinda sick to my stomach & couldn't even finish my burger (which was unusual). But I never really thought anything about it. Then we went to Walmart. Kyle had to go to the bathroom so while he was doing that I was just looking through the books.... I happened to pick up the "What To Expect When Expecting" book.. kinda thumbed through it... then I just happened to stop on the page & it had a small box & said that sometimes the cheaper tests can't detect the hormone as early as some other tests so it can be a false negative.  I thought that it was weird that of all the books & all the pages for me to turn to it was that page.

So here we go.. I'm off to buy a more expensive test just to make sure.. but still didn't think anything about it or much less that it was going to be a positve. Especially after 1) so many years of not doing anything to prevent pregnancy and nothing happening... 2) having surgery in 2008 to remove one of my ovaries... 3) being on fertility meds for 2 months & nothing happening...

We get home & I debate if I should take the test that night because I know it's better to take them first thing in the morning.. but I figured I have 2 tests, I'll take one that night & one in the morning.
I take the test.. I wait the longest 2-3 minutes in my life & start to see 2 pink lines.. WHAT?! All I could think about was "is this real?" and "How am I going to tell Kyle? How is he going to react??"

I come out of the bathroom & tell him it's positive.. he's in the kitchen & he didn't believe me at first. I had to tell him & show him (as I'm crying)... I think he was still in shock & didn't know what to say.. neither did I.
He said to wait & take the one in the morning & see what it says too.. so after we talked a little we went to bed.

I got up the next morning & took the other test.. sure enough.. there it was again, staring me in the face... 2 pink lines.  Kyle & I got up & around & couldn't wait to tell everyone.. I wanted to call my mom right then.. but had to wait. We ran to Wal-Mart & got bibs that say I Love Grandma & I Love Grandpa to give as a way to tell them.

Everyone was excited... though I don't know who cried more.. me or my mom. LOL.
Anyway.. so here we are.. a year later with a beautiful little girl that is our world & we love more than anything. She brings such happiness to us & I can't imagine her not being here. Last night I just watched her as she slept, thinking what an angel she is & I can't believe she is mine... all mine, forever!! (maybe I'll share just a little bit, once in a while) :)

So far we've gone from this...

To this... and I can't wait to see what come next..

Monday, April 11, 2011

Some more pictures...

Laura had her first real spit-up & it was on Daddy! :)

I think someone is a little fond of her Daddy.

Sleeping angel...
Someone found their feet!

And to end it on a sweet note...
Getting ready to go to Stephanie's Wedding Shower